Capacity Conversion Service

Trans Austria Gasleitung GmbH (TAG GmbH), in line with Article 5 of the Gas Market Model Ordinance 2012, as amended in 2017 (Gas-Marktmodell-Verordnung 2012, Novelle 2017) will implement a service for the conversion of unbundled FZK capacity at the relevant entry and exit interconnection points of the Trans Austria Gasleitung (TAG) System starting from 01.10.2017 at 06:00 am (CET).

The capacity conversion service allows the TAG System User(s) having contracted existing unbundled capacity at TAG entry/exit interconnection point(s) and having successfully acquired bundled capacity in an auction at the same interconnection point(s) to convert such unbundled capacity into bundled capacity.

Such service can be requested by TAG System User(s) holding unbundled FZK capacity contract only in case of insufficient unbundled firm capacity offered by the adjacent TSOs on the other side of the interconnection point(s).

Within 5 working days after the receipt of notification of the successful bundled capacity allocation sent by PRISMA after the termination of the auction, the TAG System User shall be entitled to request a capacity conversion by means of the application form published below.

Subject to the completeness of the conversion service request, TAG GmbH will send the capacity conversion service confirmation within 3 working days after receiving the valid capacity conversion request from the TAG System User.

The service of conversion applies to yearly, quarterly and monthly FZK auctions for transportation services starting from 01.10.2017, 06:00 a.m. This service will be offered free of charge. The originally unbundled booked capacity converted into bundled will be charged at the tariff applied before the conversion plus any auction premium arising from the successful bundled auction.

In case of any questions please do not hesitate to contact us: