our company

TAG GmbH: for Austria and Europe

We ensure a secure and safe supply of natural gas and renewable energies such as biogas and hydrogen to Austria and adjacent countries. As a leading operator and maintainer of gas transmission systems, we provide the reliable infrastructure needed to carry energy within Austria and beyond our borders. We, TAG GmbH, are your reliable partner to the energy supply market. 

Our priorities are ensuring the security of supply and taking action for a successful energy transition

Our primary functions range from the provision of transport capacities and market-oriented transport solutions through to maintenance and repair to ensure reliable system operation. Naturally, our system is constantly evolving to meet current requirements.


for Austria and Europe

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km pipeline system
Tag Icon Rohre
km of pipelines
in 3 parallel lines
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Tag Icon Grundstück
plots of land
Tag Icon Kunde
transport costumers
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Milestones in our company history

We were founded in 1972 and are based in Vienna, Austria. Gas has been flowing through our TAG pipeline system since 1974. With 50 years of experience in the gas transport business, we have grown to become a vital European interconnector. Our modern pipeline system carries gas from Italy to Austria and our neighbouring countries, as well as in the reverse direction.

At approximately 380 km in length, our pipeline system is Austria’s longest high-pressure pipeline network. It comprises three parallel pipelines – TAG I, TAG II and TAG Loop 2. One of them will be converted to carry pure hydrogen by 2030.

milestones in our company history


Gas flows through the TAG pipeline system for the first time



Commissioning of TAG II



TAG Loop 2, our third pipeline, was commissioned in three stages: 2001, 2003 and 2007



Commissioning of Eggendorf compressor station



Commissioning of Weitendorf compressor station



Transfer of business from Gas Connect Austria GmbH to Trans Austria Gasleitung GmbH. Trans Austria Gasleitung GmbH becomes the owner of the Trans Austria Gasleitung pipeline system and assumes all associated tasks and activities.



Certified as an Independent Transmission Operator (ITO) by the Austrian regulatory authority Energie-Control Austria (E-Control)



Our company has changed its name from Trans Austria Gasleitung GmbH to TAG GmbH.


transport services are our expertise


In everything we do, we make a significant contribution to security of supply in Europe.
We are one of Europe’s leading natural gas transporters. With our transport capacities and the services we offer, we are a dependable partner to the energy market. We provide our services transparently and in a non-discriminatory manner.

Who our customers are and how we work with them

Our customers are system users. By entering into a capacity contract with us, they acquire the right to enter natural gas (booked flow rate) at an entry point, or withdraw it at an exit point, on a guaranteed or interruptible basis.

System users allocate the capacities specified in their contracts to balance group representatives, which are authorised by law and under the general terms for balance group management to nominate those capacities for the relevant entry and exit points in accordance with the Austrian Gas Market Code.

Nominations are defined in terms of energy (kWh/h). Subject to the technical capacity of our pipeline system, we accept defined nominations for the Baumgarten entry point (Austrian/Slovakian border) and the Arnoldstein entry and exit point.

Quality and professionalism

To avoid interruptions and reductions in the flow of gas, we coordinate necessary maintenance work so as to minimise the impact on our transport services.

Gas accepted into our pipeline system must meet defined quality specifications. As a minimum, gas entering the TAG transport system must satisfy the criteria specified in the technical rules as defined in section 7 paragraph 1 no. 53 of the Austrian Natural Gas Act. These technical rules are listed in Annex 2 to the Gas Market Model Ordinance.


TAG Owners

Our jointly authorised owners are the Italian company Snam S.p.A.
and the Austrian company Gas Connect Austria GmbH.

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Memberships in national & international organizations & initiatives

We are passionate about energy, particularly natural gas, hydrogen and renewables

As an active player in the energy market, we want to contribute to shaping it for the future and are members of the following national and international organisations:

Mission statement – our mission, vision and values


TAG is an essential infrastructure operator, ensuring reliable and efficient energy access across Austria and the neighbouring countries.


We support the flow of energy by connecting markets for a brighter future.

#TAGether we are strong -
with our values:

Tag Icon Respekt


We demand respect from ourselves and our counterparts. Appreciative cooperation builds the trust needed to create long-term partnerships.

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We take responsibility for ourselves and our environment. We act sustainably and reliably in order to protect the health of all involved parties and to guarantee the secure operation of our facilities.

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We work professionally and with dedication. We invest continuously in our know-how to ensure the quality and availability of our services for our customers.


Our policy for health, occupational safety, information security and environmental protection standards

HSSE Policy

At TAG GmbH, we are acutely aware of our responsibilities towards our employees, owners and interested members of the general public. We are committed to applying recognised standards in the fields of health, occupational safety, information security and environmental protection.

Our primary objectives are to reinforce positive effects, minimise negative impacts, and continually improve our performance. In pursuing these objectives, we live out our shared values of respect, responsibility and competence. These principles are the pillars of our corporate philosophy and guide our efforts to foster security and safety, and health and environmental awareness.


We oblige all parties who work for TAG GmbH to comply with our principles.

We consider health, occupational safety, information security and environmental protection as integral parts of our activities and our management culture.

We demand exemplary behaviour in relation to HSSE both from ourselves and from our partners. We are aware of our responsibilities to our wider environment and act accordingly.


We comply with all HSSE relevant laws, technical guidelines and other binding obligations.

We see HSSE as a shared responsibility and are confident that accidents and undesirable events can be prevented. Nevertheless, in case of an unexpected event we are prepared to minimise unwanted consequences and restore safe operation.

We take seriously the impacts of our activities on people, society, animals and the environ­ment. We aim to minimise energy use, limit the release of pollutants, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect sensitive information and information processing facilities. We strive to continuously and measurably improve our HSSE performance.


We are aware of our risks and opportunities and take specific state-of-the-art action in response.

We ensure that our employees are well trained. All our staff is involved in developing and implementing our HSSE programme.

We learn from mistakes and ensure that they never happen again. All our employees are required to report unplanned events and potential improvements. We review those events and circumstances systematically in a follow-up process and implement any lessons learned.

Our commitment to community projects and social organisations

Social responsibility

We get involved where help is needed, because human beings are important to us. In all our partnerships, we attach great importance to respect, responsibility and professionalism. These values are our corporate values and, as such, they form the basis for harmonious relationships both within our organisation and with the wider community.

Our collaboration with Österreichischer Buchklub

For years, we have worked successfully with Österreichischer Buchklub (Austrian Book Club), the country’s largest non-profit organisation dedicated to literacy. Book Club provides age-appropriate support for reading skills and language development in children and young people. It is not only schools that benefit from this partnership – we do too, because it enables us to give the communities situated along our pipelines an understanding of our company and our social responsibility.

“Reading for all the senses” audio drama project in schools

With a focus on STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), this project entitled “Lesen für alle Sinne” also provides technical know-how about innovative methods for supporting the acquisition of reading skills. Together with Österreichischer Buchklub, we aim at raising awareness of how literacy is about much more than just practising reading. It is also about a whole range of other positive effects: dealing with specific topics and issues, awakening curiosity, reading aloud to one another, teamwork, discussion about texts and effective use of the voice.

At the end, participants devise and record the audio drama to produce a piece of work that can be listened to and shared again and again. We are grateful to Österreichischer Buchclub for its community engagement and look forward to working on further projects together.

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Partnering successfully with Diakonie - a firm commitment to social justice

As one of the five largest social welfare organisations in Austria, Diakonie has over 600 locations nationwide. At TAG, we are proud to have partnered with Diakonie since 2020 and to work with it on important charitable projects.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we established a COVID assistance fund to provide urgently needed assistance packages for families in poverty. We also provided hot meals for people suffering homelessness. In another major project, we set up a COVID testing station at AmberMed, Diakonie’s medical facility, which provides medical care to those without health insurance. We also supported Diakonie by providing important hygiene facilities and funding a part-time physician at AmberMed for one year.

As well as supporting Diakonie financially, we also wanted to help through direct action. So some of our staff members cooked for Diakonie’s volunteer helpers to thank them for their tireless efforts.

Thanks to our support, a qualified nurse joined the AmberMed team in January 2022.

We are proud to help provide healthcare to some of the most vulnerable members of our society and to work with Diakonie to ensure that no one goes without the medical assistance they need. Together, we are working to improve the help available for those in need.

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TAG Managing Directors

Our management team

Dott. Ing. Daniele Gamba

Member of the Management Board of TAG Gmbh since 2018

His wide-ranging career has been marked by constant evolution and achievements in a variety of management roles. Leveraging his technical expertise and strong leadership skills, he has made significant contributions across different areas of the energy value chain.

Here is a brief overview of his professional history:
Daniele Gamba attained a Master’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Pavia, Italy.

He began his career at Snam in 1999. From 2003 to 2011, he held various senior positions at Snam Rete Gas before serving as Senior Vice President for Trasmission Network Management from 2012 to 2013. From 2013 to 2017, he was Senior Vice President of the Development, Commercial & Regulatory Relations Department, and from 2017 to 2018 he was Senior Vice President of Supply Chain, both at Snam. 

In April 2024, Daniele Gamba has been awarded with the title of “Knight of the Order of the Star of Italy” (Cavaliere dell’Ordine della Stella d’Italia) at the Italian Embassy. This honor, bestowed by the President of the Italian Republic, has been reserved in recognition of his remarkable contribution to strengthening international cooperation and friendship relations between Italy and Austria, particularly during the most critical phase of the energy crisis in 2022.


Mag. Brigitte Straka-Lang

Member of the Management Board of TAG gmbh since 2022.

With her long and wide-ranging experience in a great number of senior positions in the energy sector, notably in the financial and risk management fields, she was ideally suited for her role with TAG.

Here is a brief overview of her professional history:
Brigitte Straka-Lang studied business administration at the Vienna University of Economics and Business.

Her professional journey began in 1990 when she joined OMV. She worked in Group Cash Management until 1994, before moving into Corporate Insurance Management, where she remained until 2006. During this period she was appointed authorised signatory with power to represent OMV and later became Managing Director of OMV Insurance Broker GmbH. She also served as Alternate Director of the Board for Amical Insurance Ltd and Diramic Insurance Ltd. From 2006 to 2011 she was Head of Finance & Services at OMV Gas GmbH. In the following years, from 2011 to 2022, she served as Head of Finance & Risk Management at Gas Connect Austria GmbH.

Our Locations


Wiedner Hauptstraße 120
1050 Vienna
Phone: +43 1 597 51 16

Carinthia Competence Centre

Ruden compressor station

Unternberg 42
9113 Ruden
Phone: +43 4234 303

Styria Competence Centre

Grafendorf compressor station

Lechen 44
8232 Grafendorf
Phone: +43 3338 2630

St. Margarethen maintenance centre

St. Margarethen 144
8321 St. Margarethen/Raab
Phone: +43 3115 2541

Weitendorf compressor station

Kapellenstraße 27
8410 Weitendorf
Phone: +43 3182 20084

Waste Heat Recovery Unit Weitendorf

Kapellenstraße 27
8410 Weitendorf
Phone: +43 3182 21602

Lower Austria Competence Centre

TAG Baumgarten compressors station

Baumgarten 100
2295 Weiden/March
Phone: +43 2284 2322

TAG compressor station Eggendorf

OMV Weg 1
2492 Eggendorf
Phone: +43 2624 53000

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E World Linkedin

TAG at the
E-world 2025

11.-13.02.2025, Hall 5, Booth 5K136, HYDROGEN SOLUTIONS

The SouthH2Corridor is a joint initiative led by the European Transmission System Operators Snam S.p.A. (Italy), TAG GmbH and Gas Connect Austria GmbH (Austria), and bayernets GmbH (Germany) which aims to connect North Africa and Europe, with a specific goal of supplying competitive renewable hydrogen.

Arrange a meeting with our experts – commercialservices@taggmbh.at

E World Linkedin

TAG auf der E-world 2025

11.-13.02.2025, Halle 5, Stand 5K136, HYDROGEN SOLUTIONS

Der SouthH2Corridor ist eine gemeinsame Initiative der europäischen Fernleitungsnetzbetreiber:innen Snam S.p.A. (Italien), TAG GmbH und Gas Connect Austria GmbH (Österreich) und bayernets GmbH (Deutschland), die darauf abzielt, Nordafrika und Europa miteinander zu verbinden, um wettbewerbsfähigen erneuerbaren Wasserstoff zu liefern.

Vereinbaren Sie ein Treffen mit unseren Expert:innen – commercialservices@taggmbh.at

Tag Startbild Popup

years ago …

... gas flowed through our TAG pipeline system for the first time! We are celebrating this anniversary with the relaunch of our website.

Discover our history of reliability and innovation. Learn more about us, our transportation services and our vision for the future of energy.