For our
system users
Capacity allocation
For our system users
Capacity allocation on the primary market
First steps
To perform an activation with TAG, new system users should carry out the following steps:
For more detailed information and instructions, please see the TAG Procedure. For more information about the relevant European and national regulations, please see
- Network Code on Capacity Allocation Mechanism (“CAM Network Code”)
- Austrian Natural Gas Act (“GWG”) 107/2011
Frame Capacity Contract and
General Terms and Conditions
General Terms and Conditions for Transmission Network Access of TAG GmbH, approved by Energie-Control Austria in accordance with section 32 of the Austrian Natural Gas Act (Gaswirtschaftsgesetz, GWG) 2011, Federal Law Gazette I No 107/2011, as amended by Federal Law Gazette II No. 226/2015.
** Only the German-language version of these Terms and Conditions is approved by Energie-Control Austria. This English translation is provided by TAG as a convenience. The German version will prevail in case of any discrepancy.
Invoicing, tariff and security calculation
TAG applies tariffs in accordance with the latest Gas System Charges Ordinance published by the Austrian national regulatory authority.
Overview of capacity tariffs applied by TAG as of 1 January 2024.
Regulated tariffs at IP in €/kWh/h/year |
Baumgarten Entry: 0,85 |
Arnoldstein Exit: 4,35 |
Arnoldstein Entry: 0,97 |
Multipliers for product duration < 1 year |
Quarerly 1,15 |
Monthly 1,3 |
Daily 1,5 |
Within-Day 2 |
Overview of capacity tariffs applied by TAG as of 1 January 2025.
Regulated tariffs at IP in €/kWh/h/year |
Baumgarten Entry: 1,37 |
Arnoldstein Exit: 5,98 |
Arnoldstein Entry: 1,37 |
Multipliers for product duration < 1 year |
Quarerly 1,25 |
Monthly 1,5 |
Daily 2 |
Within-Day 3 |
Commodity based System Utilization Charge as of 01.01.2025:
Entry: 0.04313 €/MWh / Exit: 0.13184 €/MWh
TAG issues its invoices on a monthly basis on PRISMA only. Invoices are issued with reference to the relevant contract code and each invoice contains a dedicated payment reference code which must be used when making payment.
Financial securities
For detailed information on how to submit a financial security, please refer to the TAG Procedure (section 1.4.2)
Tariff & security calculator
TAG applies tariffs in accordance with the latest Gas System Charges Ordinance published by the Austrian national regulatory authority. The tariff & security calculator provides a non-binding indication of the applicable fee for the product parameters selected.
Tariff calculator
Secondary market
System users can pass on transportation capacities to third parties on the secondary market by means of:
- Assignment: Transfer of ownership, please refer to chapter 3.2 of the Procedure and
- Transfer of Use: Transfer of utilisation rights
Transfer of use
For reporting purposes, each transfer of use (secondary market) shall be published on PRISMA in a timely manner.
Allocation to the balancing group of the transferee party shall be completed at least 3 hours before transportation begins. However, we recommend conducting a test in advance to ensure the correct allocation performance and in to verify that nominations are feasible.
The allocation rule for to the balancing group(s) must be executed in PRISMA under the Reporting/My Transactions section within the parent capacity transaction (not the Transfer of use itself).
The initial holder of the capacity is responsible for the allocation rule(s) to the balancing group(s) of the final transferee.
In order to perform (step 2), the transfer company shall be authorized to establish allocation rule(s) for the relevant balancing group on the AGGM (MAM) site.
TAG will issue invoices for both capacity and commodity charges to the contract owner of capacity, providing details for each allocation made to each balancing group using a pro-rata basis mechanism.
For further information, please contact us at
General Terms and Conditions
General Terms and Conditions for Transmission Network Access of TAG GmbH, approved by Energie-Control Austria in accordance with section 32 of the Austrian Natural Gas Act (Gaswirtschaftsgesetz, GWG) 2011, Federal Law Gazette I No 107/2011, as amended by Federal Law Gazette II No. 226/2015.
** Only the German-language version of these Terms and Conditions is approved by Energie-Control Austria. This English translation is provided by Trans Austria Gasleitung as a convenience. The German version will prevail in case of any discrepancy.
Calculation of Capacity in the TAG Pipeline System
The method which has been applied for the calculation of the technical (nominal) capacity on the transportation system of TAG GmbH (TAG Pipeline System) uses the formulas and the models of the theory on gas transportation through pipelines and, in particular, considers the following factors:
- Geometry and altimetry of the route of the TAG Pipeline System
- Use of the maximum operating pressure admitted
- Use of the maximum operating power destined for the operation in the compressor stations
- Observance of the pressure constraints at the Slovakian/Austrian border and at the Austrian/Italian border
- Observance of adequate standards for safety and quality for the long transportation services for the shippers
Services for Balance group representatives
BGR services
AS4 data link and message format
To exchange information such as nominations and confirmations securely, you will need an AS4 data connection. The standard message format used is Edig@s. For basic information about AS4 and Edig@s, please see chapter 3 of the Austrian Gas Market Code.
To set up your AS4 data connection, please ask the TAG GmbH 24/7 Commercial Dispatching team for the AS4 Connection Sheet.
Shipper Pairs
To ensure a smooth transition between operators at the TAG interconnection points (Baumgarten and Arnoldstein), the shipper pairs must be implemented in good time beforehand (at least three working days before use). To implement a shipper pair, please request the “Implementation Form” from the 24/7 Commercial Dispatching team.
Commercial dispatching web nominations
As an alternative to data transfer using AS4 and Edig@s, we also offer a user-friendly web platform which registered balance group representatives (BGRs) can use to submit nominations and re-nominations for their balance groups 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This web platform can also be used as a backup solution in the event that AS4 transmission is not available for technical reasons.
Click the link to use the “Commercial Dispatching Platform” (CoDiP) as a BGR:
To register for online access to CoDiP, please follow the instructions in the user manual available for download below. The members of the TAG 24/7 Commercial Dispatching team are available round the clock to help make the process as smooth as possible for you.
If you have any questions about using the CoDiP Platform, please contact 24/7 Commercial Dispatching:
Phone: +43 1 597 51 16 – 58470
Fax: +43 1 597 51 16 – 58479
Network development
The transmission system of TAG GmbH plays a key role in the safe, environmentally friendly and economical supply of energy for the Austrian and international markets
TAG is mindful of its responsibility to adapt its system to continually changing circumstances, implement corresponding infrastructure projects, support market integration and open up new possibilities for its customers while also ensuring a high level of security of supply. As required under Regulation (EC) No 715/2009 and Regulation (EC) No 459/2017 (“CAM Network Code”), TAG is in permanent discussion with the interconnected transmission system operators with a view to promoting network integration.
The purpose of the coordinated network development plan is to provide an overview of how current infrastructure projects are progressing and to present new potential projects which will be submitted for approval.
Alongside its active involvement in preparation of the annual Coordinated Network Development Plan by the Austrian transmission network operators, TAG also contributes actively to the European network development plans as a member of the relevant working groups.
Network development planning
Every year we prepare a network development plan which then feeds into the Coordinated Network Development Plan (CNDP) process, which takes place at least every two years. We use the requirements communicated to us by market participants as the basis for our planning work.
Market survey
To enable market demand to be analysed and assessed as part of the incremental capacity process (Article 26 of Regulation (EU) 2017/459 establishing a network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems), network users can submit non-binding incremental capacity demand indication for the relevant entry/exit points to and from the TAG system.
The market demand surveys are time-limited, but non-binding incremental capacity demand indications can also be submitted outside survey periods. In accordance with Article 26(7) of Regulation (EU) 2017/459, however, we reserve the right to consider demand indications submitted outside the survey periods in the ongoing market demand assessment, or introduce them into the next market demand assessment.
If you would like to submit a non-binding indication of incremental capacity demand, please use the templates for the relevant network interconnection points (Baumgarten or Arnoldstein) below.
Please send us your documents or questions by email at:
Following the survey, we work with relevant adjacent transmission system operators to carry out the market demand assessment.
2023 AT SK demand indication for incremental capacity IT Baumgarten
2023 AT IT demand indication for incremental capacity IT Arnoldstein
Market Assessment Report
As part of our work on the Austrian network development plan, and as required by Article 26 of the Network Code CAM (Regulation (EU) No 2017/459), we publish the results of our assessment of the market potential for incremental capacity in the form of reports for the interconnection points:
- Demand assessment report for incremental capacity between Slovakia and Austria (Market Area East)
- Demand assessment report for incremental capacity between Italy and Austria (Market Area East)
Our Commercial Department is available to help you with any further questions you may have:
TAG GmbH – Commercial Department
Assessment Reports:
2023 Demand Assessment Report AT-IT
2023 Demand Assessment Report AT-SK
Archive Demand Assessment Report
Project implementation